Programs & Opportunities

Here at Baseball Country we offer a very unique opportunity for college coaches to invest in the culture and development of their players. Our facility is located on 50 acres in West Alabama, which eliminates all distractions and allows coaches to pour directly into their players. Throughout the course of our college “Team Camps” we tee up three primary focuses; purpose, perspective and process.
The purpose phase is a very intentional time of self and peer assessment where open dialogue and transparency is executed. We set the stage by sharing personal and guest testimonies. The initiative throughout this phase is to provoke self examination and heart evaluation. We also incorporate a time of peer assessment that is controlled and safe, being sensitive to allowing any harmful criticism.
Our perspective phase takes place in the town of Eutaw. Clinics and outreach projects are conducted in this small community that is ridden with poverty, segregation and very little hope amongst the youth. This is an incredible opportunity for teams to not only be a blessing to this hurting community and provide hope, but also potentially help players gain a new perspective in serving and loving others.
The final phase is considered process which will be conducted at the True Vine Foundation facility, a 30 minute drive from Baseball Country. They offer an Odyssey III high/low ropes course that has a tremendous impact on developing trust, communication and team building that’s second to none. Their facilitators do an excellent job in creating high stress opportunities and providing the tools necessary to navigate through.
Other activities include:
- Skeet Shooting
- Archery Tag
- Volleyball
- Archery
- Whiffle Ball
Coaching Retreat
Our annual coaches retreat focuses on helping coaches have a greater impact on their players as men. We will be having many renown coaches, former/current, sharing their personal victories and defeats. Our guest speakers will be announced this summer. Please stay tuned, you will not want to miss this opportunity!
Internship Program
We are always in need of interns throughout the summer for anything from field maintenance, coaching travel teams, youth camps and counseling. We would provide housing, meals and discipleship to all interns. If you are interested in serving here at BC, please contact us for further information.